Category: Home and Renters Insurance

Remodeling and Home Insurance

A home remodel can be a big and exciting project to take on. Chances are you have spent years saving, planning, and dreaming of the updates you hope to make to your home. Did you consider your home insurance in your planning process?  Of course, as private insurance agents at Link Hellmuth Insurance, we have […]

10 Ways You Could Save on Home Insurance

Everyone wants to save money! In this economy every dollar matters to your financial security. As home Insurance Agents near Springfield, Ohio we often see people either spending money on the insurance coverage they don’t need or missing out on discounts that could apply to them.  While they may not always advertise it, insurance companies […]

How to be a Smart Renter

Renting a home or apartment can be a wonderful option when you aren’t interested or able to own your own home or property. Renting comes with many benefits and meets the needs of so many people around the world.  Renting does also come with some risks. If you aren’t careful, you can find yourself in […]

Water Damage Vs. Flood Damage

Most homeowners may use the terms “flood damage” and “water damage” interchangeably. They may even be surprised to find out that these terms are actually two very different things. In your average everyday conversation, it isn’t a big deal, but in the world of home insurance, these two types of damage are very different.  Do […]