Category: Car Insurance

How Distracted Driving Can Affect Your Auto Insurance Premiums

The national highway and traffic safety administration is continuing to share alarming statistics such as this one shared in 2020.  “Out of 5 million crashes reported in 2020, 13% were due to distracted drivers, that’s nearly 680,000 accidents that could have been completely avoided with safer driving practices.” Today, there are so many distractions drivers […]

The Basics of Auto Insurance

When you shop for auto insurance, it can be overwhelming. Between coverage required by law and additional add-ons galore, it can be hard to know what coverage you need and which options may be a waste of money.  This is where a trusted insurance agent comes in handy. If you are questioning your auto insurance […]

Liability Vs. Full Coverage Car Insurance

When it comes time for you to purchase car insurance for the first time or renew your current policy, you will be confronted with many options. Drivers are faced with the difficult task of finding the balance between having enough insurance coverage for their vehicle while also not trying to pay extra for the coverage […]